10 Products That Help Me Parent from a Wheelchair

Please note that the recommendations and opinions provided in this blog are solely based on my personal experiences and research. I am not endorsed by any of the companies mentioned in my recommendations. Before making any purchase, I recommend conducting your own research to ensure that a product is suitable for your needs.

1. Easy-to-use infant car seat and small lightweight folding stroller

Baby stroller

When picking out a car seat and stroller combination, I made sure that they would both be something I would be able to handle during solo outings with my daughter. After conducting thorough research, we ultimately chose the CYBEX CLOUD Q infant car seat and paired it with the GB POCKIT All City stroller. The car seat is easy for me to get in and out of the car, and the stroller folds up as small as a carry-on suitcase, making it simple for me to lift.

2. Baby carriers

Having different carriers for your baby will make things like putting the dishes & laundry away and being out in public much safer and more convenient for your and your child.

Joey Band

The JOEY BAND offers hands-free skin-to-skin contact time, as well as easy carrying for in the hospital or in the home. This worked great for me because it was simple to put on and take off when I was alone with her.

Ergobaby Carrier

The ERGOBABY Carrier acts like an inverted backpack of sorts. This carrier gives support to the baby both facing toward and away from the wearer. I chose to use this more when I was out of the house since it gives great stability and frees up my hands to push my wheelchair. A great tip is to put it on before you leave home and drive to your destination with it on. When you get there, simply put the baby in it without the hassle of putting it on in a parking lot.

Primo Lapbaby Infant Seating Aid

The PRIMO LAPBABY Infant Seating Aid is a great tool to use when the baby has grown out of the other carriers and is able to sit more independently on your lap. This device simply hooks around your waist and then another band attached to the front is secured around the child. I chose to use this when going out in public when we converted to the stationary toddler car seat and I could no longer just carry her in her infant seat. It made things easier on me and safer for her. My daughter loved sitting on my lap and was able to have the ability to explore the scenery with me.

3. Nursing pillows for support while feeding or holding baby

Boppy Pillow 1
Boppy Pillow 2

To lessen to load on your arms and to help reduce the fatigue from holding the infant, I chose a few different BOPPY PILLOWS for my daughter. One pillow she lays on with no opening, and the other one is a "U" shape that I can wrap around myself or put her in the middle. These both helped greatly to make sure she was safe while I held or fed her. I chose these because I could easily move them from room to room when needed and take them with me on the go.

4. Safe spots to place the baby when needed

There are a few things that I chose to help keep my baby safe when I need to set her down for a short or extended period of time. I had to make sure that I could reach these aids, that they were light enough for me to carry, and that they were portable enough for me to move from room to room in my home.

Dock-A-Tot lounger

The DOCK-A-TOT lounger allowed me to put my daughter down safely whether it was on the bed, the couch, or the floor. This was great for before she started rolling over. Lightweight and portable, I could easily carry and move this on my own.

The BABY DELIGHT Portable Bouncer was easy to move between rooms to set baby in when needed. I found this especially helpful when I needed to shower and keep her safe and within my sight. I found at first it was a little painful and difficult to bend over to put her in and take her out because of my C-section. But the more I used it, the easier it became.

Bumbo seat

The lightweight BUMBO seat allows you to move this simple and stable device wherever it's needed. As portable and lightweight as it is, it can also be taken on the go. I preferred to use this for playtime. I chose this product because instead of having to transfer in and out of my wheelchair onto the floor, it allowed me to play with her at my level.

Fisher-Price Jumperoo

The FISHER-PRICE JUMPEROO is something that I kept in my living room. I chose to use this product because as a wheelchair user, I could easily reach my daughter to put her in and take her out. This also kept her entertained while I did things like folding laundry.

4Moms Mamaroo

The 4MOMS MAMAROO swing is a great swing for wheelchair users. I chose this swing because it's on a base instead of a hanging frame, so it's more stable to lean over to pick up the infant. I also turned it off so that it would stop on the tallest setting, making it easier to reach her.

5. Bed and nap spaces for the baby

When choosing options for my daughter to sleep in, I knew that I wanted different spaces for her to sleep in at night and nap during the day. I went with three different sleeping spaces to make it easier and more accessible for me to get to her when she needed me. As a wheelchair user, accessible and safe sleeping spaces for my daughter was one of my top priorities.

Ronbei bedside bassinet

The RONBEI BEDSIDE BASSINET (drop side) sleeper worked beautifully while she was small. Having my daughter within arm's reach next to my bed at night made diaper changes and feedings much easier and more accessible for all. I could simply sit up in bed and reach her. This also has wheels on it, so it can be moved to wherever it's needed in the home.

Dream On Me Portable Mini Crib

The DREAM ON ME PORTABLE MINI CRIB is what we transitioned my daughter into after growing out of the bedside bassinet. I still wanted to keep her within arm's reach at night so that I didn't have to transfer out of bed into my wheelchair and go all the way to her room at night. This allowed me to tend to her needs more quickly and efficiently.

4Moms Portable Playard

The 4MOMS PORTABLE PLAYARD with removable bassinet is great for daytime naps. Although the baby occasionally napped in her nursery crib during the day, the majority of the time I would have her nap in the bassinet of the 4Moms Playard. I had it centrally located in the living room where I could keep an eye on her and get to her easily. I chose this product specifically because as a mom who uses a wheelchair, it was also easier to do diaper changes during the day at a height that worked well with my wheelchair.

6. Accessible closet space for clothing and toys

Closetmaid kit

When choosing a closet kit to install for my daughter, I wanted something that I would be able to easily reach and have access to. With this CLOSETMAID kit, you can choose where you want to mound the hang bars. Most of the cubbies and drawers are also within arm's reach for me. I actually installed this while eight months pregnant with a little bit of help from my husband, and it works perfectly for my needs. I can easily reach to choose her outfits and put her clothing away. Later on, I added a shelf above each hang bar for her shoes and other storage.

7. Portable bath for accessibility

Fisher-Price Baby to Toddler Bath
Fisher-Price Baby to Toddler Bath 2

I chose the FISHER-PRICE BABY TO TODDLER BATH that would grow with the baby. I was able to first put it on a towel on top of my kitchen island where I could easily reach her when she was a newborn. When she became more active, I chose to move it to the tub in the bathroom where I would transfer out of my wheelchair and it on a shorter stool to reach her. This eventually allows me to bathe her independently as I got more used to it.

8. Counter-mounted high chair

Inglesina Fast Table Chair

We initially bought a typical standalone high chair for our daughter, but we ended up mostly using the INGLESINA FAST TABLE CHAIR. This allows me to easily put her in and take her out without my wheelchair bumping into the chair. I can simply roll up under it. Feeding her at counter height also makes for better accessibility as well.

9. Backpack diaper bag

Choosing a BACKPACK DIAPER BAG works wonderfully for a wheelchair user. This allows your hands and lap to be free if you hang it on the back of your wheelchair. I can simply throw it over my handles when we are out in public for easy reachability.

10. Convertible toddler car seat

Evenflo Revolve360 Extend All-in-One Rotational Car Seat

We did extensive research when it came time to transition our daughter to a toddler car seat. The thought of trying to lean into my car and reach over far enough to buckle and unbuckle her sounded difficult and possibly dangerous to me. I was worried about falling over or dropping her. We ultimately decided to go with the EVENFLO REVOLVE360 Extend All-in-One Rotational Car Seat. this car seat rotates to face backward, forward, and most importantly outward to get the child in and out of the car. This allows me to be independent while traveling solo with her, as I can easily reach her. Being a parent who uses a wheelchair just got a little bit easier thanks to rotational car seats!

About the Author


Jessica is a 20+ year T-12 incomplete paraplegic wheelchair user as the result of a motor vehicle accident in 2003. She lives in Central New York with her husband, daughter, three dogs, and cat. In her spare time she enjoys spending time with friends and family, listening to podcasts, and being outdoors. In 2013 she was crowned Ms. Wheelchair New York and competed for the title of Ms. Wheelchair America in California in 2014. Her proudest endeavor is becoming a mom to her rainbow baby.

Jessica's ride is a Quickie Nitrum.

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Date: 10/3/2023 12:00:00 AM

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2/5/2025 | Keith Taylor
Proud of you. Nice POV.. keep climbing!

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Your ability to adapt and pivot with such grace is amazing. You are a remarkable human!

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